About Portionsmaster

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Who We Are

Portions Master™ specializes in unique, scientifically validated products and supplements that help achieve and maintain a lean lifestyle. Our focus is to offer quality products and supplements to make it as easy as possible for our customers to improve their health.

Company History

Portions Master™ was founded based on one question, "Why are portion sizes so big?" Initially, we simplified achieving weight loss goals by creating a plate that helps people eat appropriate portion sizes to reach and maintain weight goals. The unique plating system is Portions Master™'s flagship product and is popular with people who need to control existing health conditions or lose weight.

We started with the Portions Master™ Plate to help with portion control and weight loss. The development of the Portions Master™ Plate evolved from recognizing that dieting and calorie counting can be complicated. Solving this problem for busy people who want to eat well and lose weight became our mission. Since then, high-quality vitamins, minerals, and supplements are also available to help you get healthy and stay healthy.

Whether you need protein to build lean muscle, supplements to help curb your appetite, aid in heart health, antioxidants, immune support, or mood enhancement —we've got it.