about teeVillain

teeVillain is a t-shirt site where you’ll find a killer limited edition shirt being sold for $13 for only 24 hours. The following 24 hours will feature a new design and so on and so forth. We choose the most ingenious designs that reflect everything eVil & Villainy, as well as works pertaining to anything Artistic, Pulp Style, Low-Brow, Pop Culture, TV, Movies, Music, Video Games, Comics, etc… all things cool & eVil basically.


About TeeVillain

teevillain.com screenshot

Sophisticated. Epicurean. Diabolical. Such words have often been used when describing me; an exercise in futility, to be quite honest. I am not one who can be explicated with silly adjectives and idioms. There are much greater forces at work who care nothing for the idle words of men, and I am a part of their stratagem, for I have my own master plan. I am omnipresent. I am everywhere.
I am teeVillain.

teeVillain is the most nefarious limited edition t-shirt site on the web. Named after yours truly, I feature a new design every 24 hours; most of which reflect my own twisted appetite for art and popular culture. Although I tend to fancy the macabre, I also feature designs more akin to Television and Movies, Music, Video Games, Comics, Local Legends, and unbridled Artistry. Each day I showcase a new design, to prevent my customers from building up a tolerance against their hypnotic effects; a single cog in the gears of my ultimate machination.